Health & Wellness


Disparity drives opportunity.  One part of the globe is dealing with issues that others have mastered or never dealt with, i.e. some areas deal with infant mortality that is long forgotten by others, managing an aging population supported by fewer earners creates challenges for certain countries while others are dealing with the issues of a lost generation, and in some cases whole continents labor under marginal health services and exotic diseases. 

The logistics of these issues provide windows for people to rise.  We can get a toy tractor from China to Vermont almost overnight but are challenged to get vaccine from Virginia to Mexico City in weeks and have limited ability to dispense it when it gets there.  Creative merging of parallel skills is what meets the demand of the market.

Preventative medicine and wellness programs need the same center stage as traditional methods in medical training.  Clean water and organic foods go hand in hand with this initiative.

Doctor-owned medical facilities, hospitals and research centers with adjoining extended-stay facilities for patients and families can serve to drive down costs and increase quality care and a stable medical staff.

THC is looking to identify emerging solution-based organizations and provide direct and allied support for them.  Some groups that have been “at it” for decades with feet on the street deserve support and can collaborate with the emerging parties. 

THC wants to facilitate this process and help build viable sustainable financial models that drive the quality of life at all levels of society.



Good-to-know information:

Heart Attacks





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