

Fine arts and performing arts tend to reflect as well as drive the mood of the times in which they are created. They can depict hope while identifying conflict and challenge. Regardless of their "bent", the arts tend to cause reflection, and thus confirmation or change.

The arts give citizens a place to go and a chance to participate. They can take the baton, brush, and pen or instrument in hand and create.

Most of the world does not have a copyright model for its citizens to protect their creations and to profit from their efforts. The developer who builds and owns a building is paid but the artists that perform in the building may have no way to develop equity or cash flow from their efforts because the laws of protection are not yet available in their country.

THC is looking to identify emerging solution-based organizations and provide direct and allied support for them, facilitate this process and help build viable financial models with those that can drive the sustainable quality of life at all levels of society.



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