

The family unit is the cornerstone of societal growth.  A stable family tends to create a stable community.  We, however, live in a time of a changing family structure.

In many cases, coping has replaced nurturing as the motive of parenting.  If there are two parents, both frequently work away from the home.  Children are often left alone to fend for themselves and / or be caretakers for their siblings.  In some parts of the world, one or both of the parents are dead or absent.  If the parents are home, often there is a parade of adults coming through the door.  Repeatedly the distorted view of a family on the television is the best role model kids ever see.  What do they then duplicate?

Often teens turn to a “gang life” as a surrogate family.  As negative as that can be, at least it may be a constant for them.

There are many groups working as surrogate parents.  Many children have a grandparent raising them.  Some volunteers provide food, others educate, while still others provide day care services.  Senior citizens coach, read to, cook for or in some way interact with children.  Faith-based groups provide childcare, pregnancy counseling and nutrition, transportation to and from youth activities.

Foster parenting is at an all time high.  Orphanages are full and more need to be built.  Schools find it more challenging each day to compensate for the family’s short fall and end up dealing with countless situations they are not trained to do.

THC is looking to identify emerging solution-based organizations and provide direct and allied support for them, facilitate this process and help build viable financial models with those that can drive the sustainable quality of life at all levels of society.



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